A: Count Dracula's Assistant
I know ... you must be thinking... "Count Dracula?????? Really??????? That's no role model." He isn't my role model either, but his assistant is a peculiar fellow... Reinfield was;
- 100% human
- 100% Loyal
- Free from Dracula's Bite - He had immunity
- Had a Sanguine temperament
- Had great physical strength
- Morbidly Excitable
- Mentally imbalanced (or at least perceived to be)
Source for description of Renfield: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renfield
One of Reinfield's lines in one of the Dracula movies.. was it
I found that very funny growing up for a number of reasons;
- No one likes to be punished. Yet, here was this guy begging to be punished! :o Wow!
- He did not escape! He could have escaped or even attempted
- He had the worst kind of boss - a vampire. Yet, he was not 'consumed' by him.
I have a few theories attempting to explain Renfield, and see why he could be the 'perfect employee'. To create a Renfield, every employer needs to make sure the following are in place;
* There are policies in Place: Renfield - without being told - knew he had crossed the line, and had to be punished. The punishment, was not
* Keep Your Word: Dracula promised that if Renfield worshipped him, he would let him live (Renfield died ONLY because the vampire hunters caught Dracula. He died alone, but he was loyal to the end
.... work in progress...
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